If you are feeling overwhelmed by growing debts, you may want to consider filing for bankruptcy. Debts from loans, mortgages, credit cards, and medical bills can quickly snowball out of control, especially if they accrue interest. When you can’t make your monthly payments and interest is added to your bills, it can feel impossible to ever be free of debt. Filing for bankruptcy can clear your debts and give you the blank slate you need to get your finances back to a manageable place. The experienced lawyers at Buss Law Offices in Wisconsin can help you through the whole process. Bankruptcy law can be confusing and having a lawyer on your side to get you through the process can ease the burden. Call Buss Law Offices in Wisconsin today to get started.
Filing for Bankruptcy in Wisconsin
As a consumer filing for bankruptcy, you will typically file in either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Your attorney can help determine which chapter is best for your unique situation and financial goals.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharges certain unsecured debts and is often referred to as liquidation. The process takes about three months.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy discharges certain unsecured debts, but also features a debt restructuring/repayment plan. This chapter is best suited for people who have steady, reliable income and need to keep certain assets, such as homes and cars. The repayment process for Chapter 13 usually takes between 3-5 years.
Regardless of which chapter is best suited to your needs, your Wisconsin bankruptcy attorney at Buss Law Offices can help. Our attorneys know the ins and outs of bankruptcy laws to guide you through the process as smoothly and easily as possible. We can also advise on actions for life after bankruptcy for rebuilding your credit.
Contact Buss Law Offices in Wisconsin Today
The bankruptcy lawyers at Buss Law Offices know that carrying debt from month to month can become overwhelming and stressful. With our help, you can take your finances back into your own hands. Filing for bankruptcy can get hassling collectors off your back and give you the chance to eliminate or restructure your obligations. Get control of your finances when you file for bankruptcy in Wisconsin. Call Buss Law Offices today for a consultation.