Life After Bankruptcy — Buying a House
In the aftermath of filing for bankruptcy, you may feel great relief. But the work is not over. Thorough and experienced bankruptcy attorneys will advise you to begin rebuilding your credit as quickly as possible. After your debt is discharged, this is the next step in regaining financial ground. Let us help. Buss Law Offices, LLC offers comprehensive debt relief services to our clients, and we not only advise you through filing, but also offer guidance towards reestablishing your credit. If your goal is to buy a house after bankruptcy, we can show you the steps you need to take. Our team can review your unique situation and devise a strategy to get you back on your feet and into a home of your own.
We Help to Reestablish Your Credit

We have partnered with 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score, this program will show you how to potentially increase your credit score to 720 in just 12 to 24 months after your bankruptcy discharge or confirmation. This credit program is included in the price of the bankruptcy.
Without Buss Law Offices, LLC and 7 Steps to a 720
Although declaring bankruptcy gives you a clean slate upon which to build your finances, your credit rating has likely dropped 100 – 200 points. After filing bankruptcy, it is often impossible to get a a credit card, let alone a large loan for a home.
Although bankruptcy affects lending for a certain period of time, it is a myth that this period lasts 7-10 years. Bankruptcy is public record, and so many auto companies and lenders target those who just filed. Recent filers will receive an onslaught of mail from auto lenders who are willing to finance a vehicle at reasonable rates. This mail comes sometimes within days of filing. There are ways to use these offers in your pursuit of qualifying for a home loan after bankruptcy, but you must make prudent, careful, and effective decisions.
Our bankruptcy law firm stays with you every step of the way, ensuring that you are repairing your credit as efficiently as possible. Some of the more common ways to rebuild your credit are as follows:
- Do not make any unnecessary purchases
- Pay all your bills on time
- Obtain a secured credit card and pay the whole balance off every month
- Open a new bank account and make frequent deposits and withdrawals
These are just some of the ways you can raise your credit score, but devising a successful financial life is not only about rebuilding credit; it requires research, budgeting, strategy, and time—especially if your goal is to buy a home as quickly as possible after bankruptcy. Talk to a seasoned bankruptcy attorney if you are thinking about filing bankruptcy. Buss Law Offices, LLC can help you devise a bankruptcy plan that includes post-filing home buying goals and credit rebuilding strategy. We will help you see bankruptcy as a great opportunity to redo your finances—and life.
Contact Us—Credit Repair Law Firm in Wisconsin
The bankruptcy lawyers at Buss Law Offices, LLC specialize in matters of debt relief. Contact our team today to learn how we can help you make the best decisions for your future and financial stability. Don’t wait. Let us show you that bankruptcy is just a bump on the road. Contact our office at 888-517-5300.