If you are having trouble paying your bills, it can snowball very quickly. Debt collectors are relentless and eventually you will face a collection agency lawsuit. You might be considering bankruptcy as a solution. Although your situation feels dire, Wisconsin bankruptcy laws recognize that no two situations are the same and people must make choices based on their unique circumstance. Be sure that you understand all of your options within the bankruptcy filing process.
Contact any of the Buss Law Offices in Wisconsin. This is your first step in making informed decisions and obtaining financial freedom. We have decades of experience helping people rid their debt. Our experience makes us agile attorneys who see the big picture as well as the details. We develop strategies for our clients that pursue their best interests moving forward. Contact Buss Law Offices LLC for tailored legal advice to handle your unique financial situation.
Wisconsin Bankruptcy FAQ’s
What is bankruptcy? Essentially, bankruptcy is a legal status. It can be applied to a person or business entity which cannot repay the debts owed to creditors. The person or business in debt initiates the request, and it is imposed by the court.
Can I file bankruptcy because of credit card debt? Overwhelming credit card debt is a common reason that people file for bankruptcy. Sometimes the debt accumulated because of irresponsibility, while other times it grew because of hardship, another necessity, or a combination of reasons.
Do I need a bankruptcy lawyer? It is in your best interest to retain a competent attorney with bankruptcy experience and knowledge. The best options for you may not be obvious or clear, and an attorney can ensure you are making informed decisions about the future health of your finances.
What is the difference between chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy? Individuals and businesses have two main types of bankruptcy options. In chapter 7, the debtor liquidates assets (although not all assets are subject to this). In return, most or all of your unsecured debt, such as medical bills, personal loans and credit card debt, will be wiped out. This is regarded as “a fresh start.” In chapter 13, the debtor files a repayment plan. This is commonly used to save a home or other property This repayment plan is meant to be within your budget and must be approved by a judge.
Will I lose my house and car? It is a misconception that all of your assets are seized in bankruptcy. There are ways to keep your car and house, but the details is highly dependent on your particular circumstance.
Contact This Firm—Bankruptcy Attorneys in Wisconsin
The bankruptcy lawyers at Buss Law Offices, LLC specialize in matters of debt relief. Contact our team today to learn how we can help you make the best decisions for your future and financial stability. Don’t wait. Rid debt from your life to breathe easy again. Contact our office at 888-517-5300.