Defend Against Foreclosure in Wisconsin
Are you facing the prospect of foreclosure in Wisconsin? Dealing with the threat of losing your home can be an incredibly stressful time, and you need to take action as soon as possible. You can protect your home and assets when you file for bankruptcy with the help of an experienced and knowledgeable Wisconsin attorney. The bankruptcy lawyers at Buss Law Offices in Sheboygan have the experience you need on your side to effectively defend against foreclosure.
An experienced lawyer can be your greatest asset throughout the course of a bankruptcy filing. The process of filing can be complicated and add unnecessary stress to your life. Let us help ease your stress and defend your home against foreclosure. Contact Buss Law Offices in Sheboygan to find out more about your options.
How Can Bankruptcy Help?
Bankruptcy can be a valuable tool in your arsenal to effectively defend against foreclosure. There are two chapters of bankruptcy in which consumers typically file: Chapter 13 and Chapter 7. Your Buss attorney can help determine which chapter is best suited for you and your unique financial situation.
Regardless of the chapter in which you file, an automatic stay will go into effect immediately upon filing. This is a legal action that stops all proceedings against you in relation to your debts, including the process of foreclosure. With an automatic stay in place, foreclosure will be stopped and you will remain in control of your assets. Your bankruptcy attorney can help guide you through the process to defend against foreclosure and advise on the best actions for you regarding the future of your home.
Contact a Buss Bankruptcy Attorney to Defend Against Foreclosure
If your home is under threat of foreclosure in Wisconsin, contact Buss Law Offices to protect your home and other assets. We can help guide you to the best solution for your specific needs and guide you through the steps necessary to defend against foreclosure. Call Buss Law Offices in Sheboygan today for a consultation.