If you live in Green Bay and are feeling weighed down by your growing debts, consider filing for bankruptcy. When you owe on loans, credit cards, and more, it can be overwhelming and seemingly endless. Interest rates pile up and no matter how much you pay each month, you’re still behind. This is where filing for bankruptcy in Chapter 7 can help. With the assistance of an experienced and knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer, many of your debts may be wiped out completely.
The bankruptcy lawyers at Buss Law Offices in Green Bay can help you take the right steps to get back on your feet and start living debt-free. Call today for a consultation.
What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
In short, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation of debts. The process is usually quick, with most debts discharged in 3 months. Filing for bankruptcy in Chapter 7 can be a great way to quickly get back on your feet, especially if you have unreliable income and few assets.
While most debts are dischargeable through Chapter 7, there are a few notable exceptions, including:
- Student loans
- Child support
- Alimony
If you are struggling under debts that just don’t seem to lessen no matter what you do, call Buss Law Office in Green Bay. Our lawyers have decades of experience in bankruptcy law. We can help determine your eligibility to file in Chapter 7 and get you on the road to debt-free living.
Contact a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer at Buss Law Offices in Green Bay
The prospect of living with debt is daunting. You may have even received hassling calls from creditors. You might be facing legal action due to your debts. Now is the time to take action and take control of your finances. The lawyers at Buss Law Offices in Green Bay have the insider knowledge to lead you through the bankruptcy process with ease.
If you have a mountain of debt but few assets and little income, consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Our lawyers can walk you through the legal process to help get you back on your feet. Call today for a consultation.