If you are in debt in Green Bay, you may know the lengths collection agencies will go to in order to obtain repayment. When you are unable to keep up with monthly payments on loans, mortgages, credit cards, and more, creditors may take legal action against you, including wage garnishment. This is the last thing you need when you are already struggling under the weight of debts. Money coming directly out of your hard-earned paycheck is a harsh consequence of carrying debt. You can take action against creditors and stop wage garnishment through bankruptcy.
The attorneys at Buss Law Offices in Green Bay can help guide you through the bankruptcy process. Not only can filing bankruptcy stop wage garnishment, but it can also help wipe out some or all of your debts owed. Contact Buss Law Offices today for a consultation.
How Does Bankruptcy Stop Wage Garnishment?
While there are some actions you can take to try and prevent wage garnishment, filing for bankruptcy is often the quickest and most efficient method, especially if the garnishment has already started.
The most common chapters in which consumers file bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. When you file in either of these chapters, an automatic stay goes immediately into effect. This means that certain legal actions against you will be immediately stopped, including wage garnishment.
Throughout the entirety of your bankruptcy (usually around 3 months if filing in Chapter 7, or between 3-5 years if filing in Chapter 13), your wages will not be able to be garnished. Filing for bankruptcy also gives you the chance to liquidate your debts or restructure them into manageable monthly payments.
Contact Buss Law Offices Today
An experienced lawyer can be a great asset when filing for bankruptcy, particularly when legal actions have already been taken against you. The attorneys at Buss Law Offices know the ins and outs of bankruptcy law and can work with you throughout your bankruptcy. Our attorneys have decades of experience to help you stop wage garnishment and free yourself from debts. Call our office in Green Bay for a consultation. Let a Buss bankruptcy lawyer help you take back control of your life and get on with debt-free living.