When debts get out of control and collection agencies start calling, your house may be in danger of foreclosure. Failing to make payments on your mortgage while dealing with mounting debts can be stressful, especially if it results in losing your home. Filing for bankruptcy can help defend against foreclosure. With the help of an experienced and knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer, you can take steps to stop foreclosure in Green Bay. The attorneys at Buss Law Offices can help guide you through the bankruptcy process and determine which chapter of bankruptcy is best for you. If you need to stop foreclosure on your home, call our attorneys in Green Bay today.
How Bankruptcy Stops Foreclosure
Filing for bankruptcy can give you the time you need to stop foreclosure. As soon as you file, an automatic stay will go into effect and immediately stop foreclosure, as well as any attempts by collection agencies to contact you. The automatic stay gives you and your lawyer the time to come up with a plan for your finances that best suits your needs. Depending on your situation, you will likely file for bankruptcy in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves liquidating your debts. If you file in this chapter, your foreclosure will be stopped by automatic stay, and you will have the opportunity to walk through your options with your Buss lawyer. Your dedicated attorney from Buss Law Offices can help you make the best decisions for your personal situation and future financial goals.
In Chapter 13, your debts and mortgage will be restructured into a new repayment plan. An automatic stay will first go into effect to stop the foreclosure process. Then, with the help of your lawyer, you can explore your options for your property. You may be able to sell the home or renegotiate your mortgage.
Contact a Green Bay Lawyer Today to Stop Foreclosure
If your debts are out of hand and your home is in danger of foreclosure, contact a local Green Bay bankruptcy attorney today. The attorneys at Buss Law Offices can help you through the bankruptcy process to stop foreclosure. Take back control of your life and your assets. Contact Buss Law Offices in Green Bay today.