If you live in Green Bay and are in debt, you are likely being harassed by creditors. When you are unable to make payments on your debts, creditors will do whatever they can to make contact and request payment. Creditors are often relentless in their pursuit of repayment on debts. Fortunately, there is a way to stop creditors from harassing you. Filing for bankruptcy can effectively halt all actions against you regarding your debts. With the right legal help, you can free yourself from debt and end harassment from creditors.
The bankruptcy attorneys of Buss Law Offices in Green Bay are here to help. Our lawyers have decades of experience and know what it takes to stop creditors and help you get free from debt. Call today for a consultation.
How Can Collection Harassment be Stopped?
When you file for bankruptcy, a legal action called automatic stay goes into effect. This immediately halts all actions against you by collectors, including phone calls and lawsuits. Creditors will not be allowed to contact you throughout the duration of your bankruptcy, whether you file in Chapter 7 or in Chapter 13. The lawyers at Buss Law Offices in Green Bay can help you take action to stop collection Harassment.
Contact Buss Law Offices to Stop Collection Harassment in Green Bay
Being in debt is stressful enough without the added pressure of relentless collection calls. Agencies have nearly unlimited resources and will continue to harass you until you take action. The attorneys at Buss Law Offices in Green Bay can help guide you through the legal system to get creditors off your back. Filing for bankruptcy can help alleviate your debts and effectively halt the collection agencies in their tracks. Contact our offices today for a consultation. We can evaluate your situation and determine which chapter of bankruptcy is best suited to your specific financial needs and goals.
Call Buss Law Offices in Green Bay today to stop creditor harassment.